Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

26 May 2016 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Final Implementation (I)

Welcome again!!! This week, and as we are arriving to the end ouf our journey, we’ll summarize all the items that we have been talking along all the posts and explaining our final solution to our desing of an ultimate generation Data center.
As all the explanation couldn’t fit on one entire post, we’ll divide the Final Implementation in two.

Today we’ll explain our final resolution on the Network section (LAN and SAN equipment).

Our network solution we’ll be based in a Leaf-Spine topology. We have choosen this solution because it ofers us an scalable, high speed and very reliable network that can support a lot of East-West traffic. This will be very helpful because mostly of all servers will be virtualized and this technology can provide us with a very good performance.

Our Dell equipment choosen have been:

-Dell Networking S-Series: For all the leaf devices

-Dell Networking N-Series: For all the spine devices

This products offers us a high speed network connection (10Gb links on the leaf, and 40Gb links on the spine. Also they support Network Active Fabric technology so we’ll be able to dispose of STP allowing us to use all the links and have the best performance possible.

Dell Lan equipment 

On the storage and servers section, the products choosen are the Power Edge series (servers and racks).

All this series of products ofers a Top of the Rack configuration, with high power capacity and efficiency. All of the compatible with the Active Fabric technology.

To make the setup more eficiency and compatible with all the systems that we may want to use. We’ll be using Virtualization in all the servers using VMotion (VMWare).

Using this technology we can add and scale up to 10000 Vservers (so we’ll not be limited on this aspect)

Dell Vmotion

That has been all for this post, on the next one we will talk about our solutions applied on Management and Security. We’ll see you on the next one!!!


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