Descubre todos los secretos del mundo de las start-ups, business angels, venture capitals de la mano del parque de innovación La Salle Technova Barcelona.

13 Abril 2016 | Publicado por Team Technova

Segon Aniversari de Startup Grind

Startup Grind Barcelona is turning two! Boy, does time fly!

We will celebrate our second anniversary in the Antiga Fàbrica Estrella Damm with a very special guest: Iñaki Ecenarro (founder of Trovit) plus all the usual Grind amusement: open mic + keynote + fireside chat + networking with beers & catering.

Language: The whole event is going to be conducted in English. A good understanding of Spanish and Catalan is advised to make the most out of the event.inaki


18:30 Welcoming & Keynote & open mic

20:00 Fireside Chat

21:00 Networking & food & beers

22:30 End of the event


