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23 November 2011 | Posted by Redacción Ingeniería

CTMedia in Interactive Digital TV conference

Last November 18th 2011, the CTMedia researcher Marc Rovira presented the paper entitled "Transmission of videogames on hybrid platforms"  to the IV Congreso de Televisión Digital Interactiva held in Mallorca. This paper is the result of the Transgame project development jointly with the company Digital Legends Entertainment. Title:  Transmission of videogames on hybrid TV platforms Abstract:  In this paper we present a new transmission system of videogames on hybrid interactive TV platforms, combining games that come from broadcast and broadband channels according to user needs and available technology. In fact, the technology developed for this project is based on the HbbTV standard, extending some modules to adapt this standard to TRANSGAME project needs. This work has been supported by Plan Avanza 2 of the Spanish Ministerio de Industria, Turismo y Comercio.
