Data analysis has changed the perspective of business, forcing to refine strategies to extract the most from artificial intelligence. Digitization and understanding of data are key to innovation in all sectors. In this context, La Salle Campus Barcelona will begin its new degree in Business Intelligence & Data Analytics in September, which from a technological perspective will train in the domain of data processing applied to marketing, logistics, business expansion and product design.
Next Wednesday, May 26, between 6:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., students interested in studying this new degree will be able to learn about the keys to the sector and the specificities of the program in an event that will reflect on trends and will talk about the type of professionals that companies are looking for. "Technology has changed the way we work, how we live and how we interact. In less than ten years, data consumption has multiplied by 50. It is necessary to be able to train professionals who are experts in data analytics to help companies generate better results, and to empower the society of the future", explains Asun Polo, the Program Development Manager of the new degree in Business Intelligence & Data Analytics at La Salle-URL.
It will be Asun Polo herself who will first present the axes of the degree and then act as moderator in a round table about the effects of the web 3.0 revolution on current businesses, the main challenges of big data, the career paths of the sector and the interests and skills of students who want to know more about the world of data. Two industry experts will participate in the round table: Maria Yaylenko, Head of Technology and Data for Nestlé's Artificial Intelligence Strategy Program; and David Bofill, Data Science Manager at PepsiCo.
Finally, Hugo Zarco, coordinator of the degree in Business Intelligence & Data Analytics, will join the rest of the guests to answer all the questions of the attendees and all those who want to take the degree. The La Salle-URL admissions team will also be present in this last part of the event, to answer questions about the registration process.