25 November 2016

550 students of 3rd ESO from La Salle Catalunya participate in a workshop on social entrepreneurship

November 25th La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL hosted EduEmprèn a workshop on social entrepreneurship which involved 550 students of 3rd ESO from 11 different schools of La Salle Catalunya. The activity is the starting point of the FAIG project, which students of La Salle Catalunya develop during the course as new methodology.

At the beginning of the session Brother Josep Guiteras, FUNITEC’s President and Visitor of La Salle Catalunya, has welcomed students and encouraged them to be bold: “If you are curious and you dare, young people thoroughly amend our society.” Then, Josep M. Piqué, CEO of La Salle Technova Barcelona, explained what social entrepreneurship and what you can do for others. This session has had the participation of two startups that have explained their case, Paula Veciana from Tandem Social and Clara Navarro, cofounder of Ship 2B. Subsequently, there has been a round table with people who have started projects of social entrepreneurship: Oscar Alonso from Urban Time, Lis Brusa from Koiki and Jordina Arcal from HealthApp.

After participating students have had direct contact with 12 social entrepreneurs and with La Salle Technova Barcelona, who have explained to them first hand their entrepreneurial projects and methodologies that have been used to carry them out.


The aim of the act, under the slogan “Look, Propose and Transform”, is to prepare young entrepreneurs committed to their environment and give students tools to create their own social entrepreneurship, observing their environment to find a real problem, identify opportunities for improvement and propose a challenge to solve it. In this regard, at the end of the session students themselves have created the “Wall of social challenges” in areas such as people (health, food and education), organizations (labour inclusion, solidarity products and financing) and environment (waste and recycling, sustainable transport and clean energy). Participants have analysed these problems they detect in their environment and that will be the themes to work along the course and to be presented again in La Salle Campus Barcelona at the end of the course. The event had the collaboration of Obra Social La Caixa.