05 May 2017

The architecture students begin the 6th UMVA project to make an audiovisual reflection on urban space

Students of architecture at La Salle-URL participate in the 6th edition of the project UMVA (Mobile Unit Video Architecture).


April 25 began to develop educational activities of this program resulting from the collaboration between the subject and the SDR Representation Systems SCREEN Festival in Barcelona. The aim is for students in the third year of architecture analyze the urban areas of three districts of the city Catalan: Plus Ultra, Trinidad and New Vallcarca.


Students are supervised by three artists chosen by the audiovisual SCREEN Festival (Mireia Sallarès, Claudio Zulian and Miquel Garcia) and the teachers of the subject. The intention is that students resort districts to understand the relationships that people establish with the built environment. This is an online teaching and research of the School of Architecture La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL developing for several years. Once the route, the students will create an audiovisual experience where you gather all of the people who inhabit urban areas studied.


UMVA is an innovative project that combines teaching, research and art in order to use video as a tool of analysis and as a means of communication studies perception and meaning of urban space . The analysis is done based on the results of the research project PROHABIT, funded by Recercaixa dedicated to the analysis of living space in these three districts that conducts research group ARC Engineering and Architecture La Salle collaboration with the Research Group in Social Psychology, Organizational and Environmental (PsicoSAO, University of Barcelona). The final pieces will be exhibited on May 30 Campus and can be seen on the website of UMVA.