The Walt Disney Animation Studios team of experts, headed up by Isaak Fernandez, an animator who worked on Frozen II, will give an exclusive lecture for students of La Salle-URL's Degree in Animation & VFX on 5 December at 12:30pm. Fernandez will share the stage with Jennifer Stratton, director of the short film Zenith from Short Circuit; Mitchell Counsell, director of the short film Fetch; and Jennifer Newfield, manager of the Short Circuit Programme, who will all be stopping in Barcelona for the latest edition of the b'Ars - Barcelona International Arts& VFX Fair.
This is not the first time that La Salle-URL has hosted artists from Walt Disney Animation Studios. Last year, Jeff Gipson (director), Edward Robbins (Character TD), Jorge E. Ruiz Cano (animation lead) and José Luis Gómez Díaz (virtual reality technology lead), presented Cycles, the first virtual reality short film, to an auditorium of more than 300 students. The team offered details about the technical side of the production, where space and choreography play an important role along side lighting to achieve the effect they wanted in the short, which lasts three minutes. They also gave advice to students in terms of the challenges they will face in their professional life using these new technologies, as well as working in a sector where it is now important to learn how to work in a team, delegate and leave our comfort zone.
La Salle-URL will be taking part in the b'Ars - Barcelona International Arts& VFX Fair
For the second consecutive year, La Salle-URL will participate in the b'Ars - Barcelona International Arts& VFX Fair which will take place on 6 and 7 December at the Disseny Hub building in Barcelona. La Salle-URL will have a stand alongside companies looking for talent and universities offering training in this field. Additionally, La Salle-URL will be sponsoring a talk and a screening of Isaak Fernández’s Frozen II by Walt Disney Animation Studios. Students from the Degree in Animation & VFX at La Salle-URL will also offer a workshop for attendees.
B'Ars is a festival specialising in Visual Effects held in Barcelona. On top of exhibitions offered by companies in the industry, there will also be lectures and talks given by international experts, as well as workshops and masterclasses specialised in specific fields.