La Salle Campus Barcelona shares the institutional declaration made by the Universitat Ramon Llull which expresses grave concern for the political and social turmoil we are currently experiencing in this country and profoundly laments the imprisonments ordered by the National Court of Spain.
We continue to demand the highest respect for the values which support all democratic societies and we express our disappointment with the lack of political will to find a solution to a conflict, which is political in its nature, but which has not heeded the cries for dialogue.
As a university, we are committed to promoting peaceful and harmonious co-existence, far from confrontations, and we appeal to all those in our community to remain calm, to continue to respect the pluralism of options and opinions and to keep working, in accordance with our way of thinking, “at the service of the Christian spirit, at the service of Catalonia and at the service of a free, plural and democratic society ”.