27 March 2017

La Salle-URL participate in the program BIYSC

BIYSC (Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge) is an international program of excellence organized by the Foundation Catalonia – La Pedrera.

BIYSC (Barcelona International Youth Science Challenge) is an international program of excellence organized by the Foundation Catalonia – La Pedrera. The two-week program (July 2017), aims to stimulate young scientific talent among students worldwide, to encourage their enthusiasm for scientific research and scientific careers.
In the course is directed to students aged 16 to 18 years with a real interest in scientific research. They are offered the opportunity to work on research projects, attend lectures and scientific debates and, ultimately, enjoy the experience with colleagues who share their passion.

La Salle-URL participate in the program with the “Bioinspired / IoT and Social Robots: towards the future of robotics.” During these two weeks the students are required to identify a problem and at the same time will have to find a solution regarding the design of a robot that solves this problem. After days of work, each student will expand the capabilities of the robot so that everyone can connect with each other through cloud connectivity making it an IoT device. From there they will study the possibilities that arise when interconnecting these systems. They will have to take into account the results from the technical point of view and also from the perspective of the user. The idea is to take advantage of the current robotic technology, which not only creates robots that interact with people, but they can learn from this interaction and collect information through the IoT concept.

How do they design? Using techniques related to human factors engineering. Implementing drivers, installing a series of electronic circuits and pieces of code that help you program the robot to synchronize their interaction with the environment and how well it is perceived by end customers. BIYSC will prize students who demonstrate a high level of commitment to the project and their involvement with it. Taking into consideration the outcome achieved by each student as well as the challenges set by the program. They will be two prizes delivered to enable winners to attend the international event next year and thus to initiate the first step towards their dream.

If you want more information click heare.