The competition, an initiative of La Salle Universities, open to students pre-university Lasallian centers in Europe and the Middle East, between 16 and 20 years, has awarded not only four Spanish proposals (Valladolid, Barcelona, Valencia and Zaragoza) but also teams from other countries like Egypt, Turkey, Palestine and France have won.
The main aim of the awards is to motivate the inclusion of ethical values in the development of research projects to improve their social environment. The winning projects address issues such as alternative energy, reuse of materials; architectural projects like tree-house or homes adapted to flying vehicles; and in health, nutrition in adolescents, preventing stroke and improving psychological care for children .
The projects submitted must pretend to improve their immediate environment, with innovative research and development projects in the fields of architecture, engineering, health, business management and life sciences and earth.
In this year’s competition five first prizes where awarded, a special prize and the prize LSdreams ASSEDIL (European Association of Lasallian Directors) and five honorable mentions.
The first prize in the area of Engineering, has been awarded to the team from Collège de Saint-Marc Alexandrie, Egypt, the project “Oppressus.” The project aim is to use piezoelectric materials to obtain energy from foot traffic at airports, for example, to be used later in the electronic devices of these same users. It protects the environment and the planet for future generations. The team is composed of students Rafiky Raphael, Peter and Mark Moheb Micheal and his tutor Ihab Rouchdi.
In the area of architecture the jury this year decided to let the first prize desert and in exchange there where two honorable mentions: one of the Second Prizes was for at the Collège Frères December, Jerusalem, Palestine, the project Avant Guard Air Tech. The project is developing a breakthrough technology or AGA® for them the next generation of hauses must include flying cars and will have to adapt to the new lifestyle that accompanies them, as well as the adaptation of old structures to this technology of flight. The other Second prize was awarded to the College de La Salle Paterna, the project Tree – House Project. The project is based on creating a business model tree-house for people without harming nature.
The first prize in the area of business management, was for St Joseph Fransiz Lisesi center of Kadikoy, Turkey, the project is titled “Nourished Education.” The project aims to meet the nutritional needs of students increasing environmental awareness and instilling the basic values to supplement their education. The team consists of the students, Ilayda Gokcen, Guray Sener, Deniz Çağlar Duman and his tutor Ebru Aktimur.
The first prize in the area of Health, has been awarded to the College Saint Jean-Baptiste from La Salle Valladolid, Spain, for the project “PLSMMA.” It takes advantage of technology to create an application that can provide the tools needed to counteract a heart attack. The team is composed by the students Claudia Garcia, Alejandro Campos and his tutor Fernando Álvarez de la Calle. The jury also decided to give in the same area of Health a second prize to the College of La Salle St. Angel Zaragoza, Spain, for the project “Diagnosis of psychological disorders”. The project is based on creating a trivia that helps children up to 16 years in the early diagnosis of psychological diseases, establishing a closer relationship with their doctor or psychologist.
In the area of Life Sciences and Earth there were two first prizes awarded: The jury has determined to award a first prize and the special prize LSdreams to La Salle Bonanova School in Barcelona, Spain, for his project “Reusing coffee as fertilizer”. The project involves the realization of an urban network for collecting coffee grounds from the various cafes in the city and then rezicle them as fertilizer in different allotments, gardens and parks in the city of Barcelona. The team is composed of the students Joan Alonso Alvarez, David Cobos Filloy and Ricard Casanovas and his tutor Ane San José Méndez. Moreover, the jury awarded first prize and the special prize ASSEDIL to the Michel Lisesi Fransiz of Instambul, Turkey, for his project “Energy for Providing Safe Mines”. The project involves the implementation of a lighting system inside the mines based on solar power source. This system significantly reduces costs and pollution from the usual forms of lighting based on fossil combustion engines. The team composed by the students Arinc Ayduran Utku, Asumla Ayduran and Saner Kerem Oney Volkan Gonen and his tutor.
In addition, the jury decided to award two honorable mentions in the area of Life Sciences and Earth: Second prize to the team from the Lycée Technique de l’École de La Salle, in Ales, France, for his project “Projet Ortho -Prothèse animale “. The project is based on creating an alternative to the treatment of sprain garreta horses using existing human orthopedic methods. This promotes functional recovery of the horse through the creation and production of a key adapted. Second prize was for the École des Frères in Bethlehem, the city of Bethlehem, Palestine, for his project “ReWired.” The project is based on the creation of electronic waste recycling centers, avoiding the need to send it to third countries, not only focusing on recycling and recovery but also finding new uses for these wastes. It also avoids the pollution from the constant use of massive electrical appliances.
The winners of the five first prizes will enjoy a four day stay in the French cities of Paris and Beauvais during which he presented his work at the ceremony that will take place on May 12 at campus UniLasalle Beauvais.