The artist participates in the Heart project of Ibiza creating visual art for the Circo del Sol. The Ibiza Heart Space is a specialized laboratory for the multi-sensory artistic creation created by the founder of Circo del Sol, Guy Laliberté, and the brothers Albert and Ferran Adrià. In the interview conducted in the newspaper explains that the team is made up of 200 professionals in gastronomy, music, performing arts and audiovisual. It was after participating in the Workshop of MIRA Digital Arts Festival Barcelona 2016 that the student received this invitation to be part of Heart & Cirque du Soleil in Ibiza. The Ecuadorian states that a technological equipment composed of five projectors was used to make the video mapping. Your goal is to create an immersive experience. What they do is relate projected images to the dancers' movements. The result will be a creative experience that will be exposed in more than 3,000 square meters. For the Murgueytio to realize this project is the greatest illusion of his life and the most important in his professional career.

Miguel Ángel Murgueytio