The main objective of the second international week is to know the innovation trends that our invited speakers have experienced in an international context and in their fields of action. The program will be as follows:
- Day: Monday, June 19; Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Speaker: Ismael Sancha - Managing Director - Mobility Lead in Spain, Portugal & Israel at Accenture Digital.
- Objective: To illustrate relevant international experiences and cases in various industries.
- Day: Monday, June 19; Time: 20:30 - 22:00
- Speaker: Marc Casanova - Technical manager for Spain and Portugal at Schneider Electric.
- Topic: Innovations in the electric sector (Title: "The future is Electric, Innovation at All Levels").
- Objective: How digitalisation and the latest technological disruptions added to a consumer increasingly aware of sustainability and the environment, are giving way to a new energy panorama and how the sector is innovating to respond.
- Day: Tuesday, June 20; Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Speaker: Josep Piqué - President of Technova Barcelona - La Salle Innovation Park.
- Topic: Innovation and Entrepreneurship (Title: "Open innovation and entrepreneurship").
- Objective: To connect the creation of the mobile applications with the strategy of the Open Innovation of Corporations. Talent, technology and money will be addressed as key elements in transforming opportunities into value.

- Day: Wednesday, June 21; Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Speaker: Marc Prats - Business Strategic Controller at Voxel Group.
- Topic: Innovation (Title: "Voxelgroup - Ecosystem for Innovation").
- Objective: Deepen the culture of an innovative company from the point of view of the ecosystem that has been created to encourage innovation.
- Day: Wednesday, June 21; Time: 20:30 - 22:00
- Speaker: Julián Vinué - Director at Wayra Barcelona (Telefónica)
- Topic: Investment in technological startups (Title: "Telefónica Open Future - Telefónica's open innovation model").
- Objective: To know real cases of investments in startups.
- Day: Thursday, June 22; Time: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
- Speaker: Jordi Priu - Managing partner 101 Startups S.A.
- Topic: Innovation in the business world (Title: "Innovation: experiences as a manager and as an investor").
- Objective: To explain practical cases of innovation in the business environment and in digital startups.
- Day: Thursday, June 22; Time: 20:30 - 22:00
- Speaker: Mariona Campmany - Chief Marketing Officer at ICAR.
- Topic: Innovate or Die (Title: "ICAR, how to create value in the verification of identities").
- Objective: To explain the success of ICAR and how the need to innovate in both product and business model has been key to the growth of the company.