The goal is to prepare young entrepreneurs committed to their environment and give students the tools to create their own social entrepreneurship project, finding a real problem in their environment, seeing their viability and transforming it into a reality. The projects presented address many areas such as people, organizations, environment and others such as recycling or health.
The closing ceremony was attended by 22 groups of students, about one hundred students, who publicly presented the project in which they have worked with an exhibition before the jury and answering their doubts, a sample of the poster, and an explanatory video. From 12.45pm, the participants and their families moved to the Cosmocaixa where the awards ceremony took place.
In total, 9 prizes will be awarded depending on the area of work (people, organizations, environment) as well as the best project, presentation, video and poster. The winning entries were:

- Award for Best Project: Security Head Rest, by La Salle Montcada students who designed an ergonomic neck pillow that adapts the headrest of the car and offers greater security of the current systems. The students of the team are Andrea Morán, Gádor Alonso, Laia Pérez and Judit González.
- Best Video Award: CardioFriendly Project by Nidae Aghmari, Paula Yin Carbonell and Monica Navarrete from La Salle Manlleu. Promotion and awareness in the school of the cardio-respiratory problems with the objective of obtaining a defibrillator by the Center.
- Best Poster Award: Breathalyzer. It is a device that detects if the driver of a vehicle has consumed alcohol. If the driver is positive, he will not be able to start the vehicle. From the students of La Salle Tarragona Patricia Jiménez-Castillejo, Claudia Martos, Lucia Peralta and Silvia Riaño.
- Prize to the Best Presentation for the project Decorazione de La Salle La Seu de Urgell. The project is a company selling on-line furniture and decorative objects made with recycled materials, intended for the consumer directly and with home delivery. The students are Maria Carbonell, Luz Gonzalez, Aleix Balsells, Jael Marcos and Ismael Canturri.
- Prize in the Special category to Buff Anti-pollution of La Salle Santa Coloma de Farners. It is a Buff that incorporates a replaceable mask to filter the air. The students are Éric Rodríguez, Andrei Cimpoeru and Silvia Martos.
- Prize in the Environment category for the "OLIX" project of the students of La Salle Cassà of La Selva Aiyanna Anguera, Roger Coris, Gina Miguel and Ferran Tubert. The project assumes that the majority of the population does not recycle household oil due to lack of time and difficulty. The project seeks to facilitate the way to recycle the oil through a container that would be deposited in the glass containers.
- Prize in the category Solidarity Jewelry Organizations of La Salle Santa Coloma de Farners. Students Alex Rovira and Sara Bonet thought of a solution to find work for the disabled.
- Prize in the People category, shared between two projects: Remember the students of La Salle Montcada Marta Monterde, Javier Ronco, Izan Viña and Jaime Nuez who designed an app to help people with senile dementia; And the other prize went to Actívate de La Salle Premià, a magazine to motivate people to have a healthier life. The team was formed by Patricia Liébanas, Gerard Comas, Isaac Martos, Marta Monllau and Mar Salas.