The aim of the program "La Salle Talent" is to promote the technological, artistic, innovative and enterprising spirit of the students in order to motivate them to deepen their knowledge in each of the areas. At the same time, this helps them to face their university future with more preparation.
The majority of the students who participate are in the first year of High School but it is also open to students in the first year of the Higher Level Training Cycle.
Interested students can register until December 5. Afterwards, a selection process will be carried out and in December, the accepted students will be informed. The center will make the selection of the students of its center and in the case that the seats are exhausted, La Salle will make a second selection.
There will be 22 places in the Engineering program: Hacker, robotics and MIT App Inventor (a method for the development of applications for the Android operating system). 30 places in the Management and Innovation program: entrepreneurship and new business models will be discussed (creation of a start-up), market orientation (connection with the consumer) and Innovation process. 20 places of the Animation & VFX program with Modeling sessions (3D), Texture and Lighting for 3D scenarios and Animation (3D). And 20 places of the Architecture program: architecture and plastic activity, creation of a sustainable city model and "I will be a good architect".

Studients La Salle Talent 2017