The 8th edition of the contest LSdreams has already winners. The contest, initiative of La Salle Universities and opened to students pre-undergraduate of lasal·lians centers of Europe and Middle East, between 16 and 20 years, has rewarded proposals of a Spanish center (La Salle Bilbao, with first prize and second award) and by other countries have won teams of schools of Turkey, Italy, Portugal (first prize and extraordinary prize LSdreams) and Palestine (first prize and prize ASSEDIL LSdreams) with second awards for France and Turkey. The main aim of the prizes is motivate the inclusion of the ethical values in the development of projects of research that improve his social surroundings. The winning projects treat issues like energetic transformation, prevention of fire with apps, building of the novelty respecting the ancient, and in health, eases for the blind people and improvements in pacemakers.
The goal of the contest is also encourage young people the sensitivity and capacity of reflection around moral and ethical implications, in the five areas of knowledge proposed by organization. The projects presented have to pretend improve his next surroundings by innovative projects of research and development in the fields of architecture, engineering, health, business management and sciences of the life and the Land.
In the edition of this year, the contest has awarded five first prizes, a prize Assedil, an extraordinary prize LSdreams and four secondary award.
- In the area of Engineering, determined award the First prize to the group LSdreams 45, of the ISTITUTI FILIPPIN of Paderno of the Grappa (ITALY) for the project "Unblind-Me". The team is formed by the students Giorgio Casini, Enrico of Luchi and Massimiliano Annovi and for his tutor Alan Begliorgio.
Nowadays the technological advances designed to help the blind people or are still in phase of test or are very expensive. This supposes that only few people can enjoy these tools, in addition to supposing a constant dependency of the technology. Therefore, this project does not pretend to create an external instrument for the blind people, but do them to them same self-sufficient in his day-to-day.
The idea consists in a GPS that records in detail the usual route chosen, with the twists, the semaphores, the obstacles ... Once it is done the recording, these data are collected and the person can go to a center where practice the route as if it was real. When person was prepared, practices with a confidence person or a volunteer of the project the route until it learns and then, when person feel prepared and know the route perfectly, they can do it alone without depending of an external element.
On the other hand, the jury has awarded a secondly award to the group LSdreams 59, of the GroupeScolaire Saint-Nicolas-Issy-les-Moulineaux (FRANCE) for his project "Mini Saw Connectée".
The project based in the creation of a greenhouse connected, flexible and intelligent. They fix some aims in accordance with the demands of the market by intelligent system, the owner is constantly in contact with the users and the offer on real time.
- In the area of Architecture the jury has awarded the First prize and Prize ASSEDIL LSdreams to the group LSdreams 66, of the Collège des Frères of JERUSALEM (PALESTINE) for his project: "Antiquité futuriste". The team is formed by the students Saba Joice, George Habash and Nisreen Janah and his tutor Amer Qaysi.
This project is based on the documentation, the analysis and the design to develop an authentic ancient building in his community. They argued and marked which are the points to take account for the autenticity of the building. They analyzed the inner and tried to fix to maximize the efficiency of use. The materials were especially studied to be resistant and harmonic with the rest of the zone, being recyclable and easy to cut and modeler, because they are the future. The solar generators and Aeolian energy, also are so important on the project.
A factor that has marked this thesis is the crisis that suffers the center selected to develop it, La Salle Jerusalem, fact that supposed to think about initiatives to generate income to finish with the possibility of closing the educational center as well as the adaptation of the solutions to few resources.
Besides, the jury has awarded a secondary award, to the group LSdreams69, of the Lycée Saint Miquel of SISLY (TURKEY) for his project "Green Buildings". The project has the objective of resolve problems like the irregular urbanization, the pollution and the lack of vegetation, therefore they create a green building where besides, will provide an ecological living space to the people.
- In the area of Business Management, the First prize have been won by the group LSdreams 73, of La Salle Bilbao (SPAIN), for the project "Feeling Cells". The team is formed by the students Ziortza Cerveto, Gorka Lombardero and Galder Sasia and his tutor Martxeli Mugica.
Nowadays, the consciousness that it is necessary to preserve and keep the environment, is reflected in practically all the fields. Therefore, this project bases in the creation of a generator that transforms the excess of thermal energy in electrical energy.
With the utilization of some electronic cells called Peltier, have created a generator of renewable energy from the thermal energy that was miss in installations like the school boilers. These cells are able to transform the thermal energy that generates in the contrast of temperatures, in electrical energy that will be able to use later to supply and do work any electrical device.
Besides, the jury decided to concede also to this centre the Secondly award of Business Management to the group LSdreams 56, for his project "EcoUhin". Convert the citizens in the true engine of the change to take care of the enviroment is the main idea of this project. The solution EcoUhin bases in offering to the consumers, immediate profits for his actions in favour of the medium ambient through an APP.
- In the Health's area, determined award the First prize to the group LSdreams 40, of the École Saint - Michel Fransiz Lisesi of Instambul (TURKEY), for his project "Smart Pacemaker". The team is formed by the students, Ekin Ismen, Elif SiirSentekin, Ece mengu, and for his tutor Milena Kuyumciyan.
At the present, 40% of the deaths are caused by a heart attack. Taking advantage of that, there are many people that suffer cardiovascular illnesses that bring pacemakers, this group has developed a new version of a pacemaker to facilitate the prevention of sudden deaths for this reason.
This new pacemaker, will have a locator that will facilitate the location of the patient all times through his Lifesaver Wristband. Also it will incorporate a sensor that will send a notification when there is a change of rhythm or when the impulse was underneath of 60, because it is dangerous for somebody who uses pacemaker. Another of the improvements is the possibility to knock directly to the service of emergency if it registers any irregularity, thanks to a collaboration with Turkcell.
- In the area of Sciences of the Life and The Land the Jury has determined to award a First prize and extraordinary Prize LSdreams to the group LSdreams 60, of the Colégio La Salle Barcelos of Barcelos (PORTUGAL), for his project "Stop theFire". The team is formed by the sutendra Diogo Figuereido Fernandes, Diogo Simõ Vieira Da Silva and Francisco Leonel Vilas Boas Campos and for his tutor José Eduardo Correia Roque.
At present, the conflagration in Portugal and in Europe in general, have increased. Analyzing the situation, saw that the problem was that the competent authorities did not know which zones needed to be cleaned and here is precisely where the app develops. Taking advantage of the increase of the sports outdoor how running or mountain bike and the mobile telephony and his uses, they saw a perfect opportunity to connect this two and help to prevent the fire.
The idea is to create a app where people, while practices exercise outdoors, can publish and give warning of the areas that need cleaning and like this the pertinent authorities are alerted of the zones on which work to avoid risks. Also it includes an alarm that warns directly with firefighters because they can act with rapidity to turn off as soon as possible.
On the other hand, the jury has awarded the Secondly Awar to the group LSdreams 82, of St Joseph Fransiz Lisesi, of TURKEY, for his project "Waterproof". The project bases in the creation of a product that struggle at the same time against the drought and the lack of water purified with the minimum possible impact already was of cost or of waste. Through the economies of LEDC, the idea is to help them to be self-sufficient, to satisfy his environmental and agricultural needs.
The winners of 5 first prizes will enjoy a stay in Barcelona during three days which will present his projects to the university campus of La Salle-URL.

Ganadores de la edición de LS Dreams 2017