The Ramon Llull University (URL) is ranked as the 10th university with the best performance in Spain according to the CYD Ranking, and the first private Catalan university.
The ranking, promoted by Fundación CYD, and which is now in its fifteenth year, has attracted the participation of 73 higher education centres (87% of the Spanish higher education system).
To develop the ranking, the universities have been evaluated based on 34 indicators grouped into 5 dimensions: teaching and learning, research, knowledge transfer, international orientation and contribution to regional development. The URL has 18 indicators of high performance, 9 of average performance and 7 of low performance.
Following the positive trend of the last years in the ranking, the URL has improved in 2 indicators in comparison with the previous edition, going from having 16 in high performance to 18. The two indicators that have experienced this improvement are "highly cited publications" and "income from licences".
In addition, in the international orientation, URL stands out once again for the results obtained – 5 of the 7 indicators assessed are in high performance – and these results place the University among the best in the State. In the dimension of teaching and learning, the University has improved 1 indicator in this edition, and also in the dimensions of research and knowledge transfer. In regional development, the URL achieved the same results as in the previous edition.