The project deals with the rehabilitation, restoration and change of the use of the north zone of the old textile factory of Can Balsach, in the district of the Creu Alta of Sabadell, which is currently in disuse and in phase of deterioration. The building is cataloged and has been an industrial heritage since the beginning of the 20th century. The project consists of actions like now the new work, rehabilitation, restoration and conservation. Aspects such as respect for the environment, non-generation of waste, minimum consumption of CO2 during the execution of the work and energy efficiency of the final building have been taken into account to evaluate the project. The complexity of bringing all these factors together in a single project involves a detailed program of control, management, organization and a clear understanding of the end result. The jury has chosen this project as a winner because of the great quality achieved in the work, which clearly shows the complexity of all the factors that influence the writing of a rehabilitation, reuse and conservation of heritage project. In addition, the jury has taken into account the good work on the control, management and organization program that have been very well detailed in the project.
At the same time, Enric Peña, Coordinator of Masters of Architecture of La Salle-URL, along with Miguel Roldán and Mercè Berengué, has won ex-aequo in the category Intervention in efficient building by the project "Espai Bombers Parc de la Prevenció de Barcelona". In addition, one of our professors, Xavier Badia, has been a finalist in the category of the Beckett room, an international workshop for dramaturgy in Barcelona.