On the first day they discovered the Bay Area (Santa Cruz) and during the most academic program issues were discussed around international communication and business. All these days they were hosted at Saint Mary's College. At night they made a barbecue with a guest speaker of AirBNB, a motivating and inspiring person for students. They learned, on the one hand, the operation of the big companies of technology, and on the other hand, they understood that people are the first.
The second day was dedicated to those issues related to the commitment. After all the students will conduct a class on how to create a business in the United States, they all participated in a competition of paellas on the Campus. They worked on what they needed to manage a high-performance team. In addition, they had the pleasure of visiting the headquarters of GoPro where they learned how the company is taking on the challenge of capturing, storing and sharing experiences. Next they attended a talk with the heads of operations and IT systems of AT & T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants. At the talk, the focus was on how sports franchises generated and analyzed player data for talent management. To end the day, they were able to witness a match between the Giants against the Cardinals in one of the most spectacular sports stadiums in the world. The main lesson was to learn how to engage customers and create value for them.
On the third day, students attended a talk by Fan Compass about sports entrepreneurship, and others attended VC's on investment research. They were then divided into groups and participated in a team building activity where students had to make a paella that would be valued by Campus staff. In the afternoon they visited Pandora and could see how the company is competing with Spotify and Apple in the music business for streaming and the importance of the intelligent use of the data. They ended the day visiting the Golden Gate Bridge and making city tourism.

Students of business management in San Francisco
El quart dia va ser probablement el més intens. D’una banda, els estudiants en Sports Management van visitar l’estadi de Levi, reconegut com un dels més avançats tècnicament en el món. D’altra banda, els estudiants d’Innovació van anar a EA, on van aprendre la importància dels entorns de treball creatius per convertir-se en una productora líder de videojocs. Després ambdós grups es van reunir a Plug & Play, la incubadora de startups de Silicon Valley on van poder conèixer Dropbox i Google. Allà van escoltar a Jordi Argentí, un emprenedor i inversor català que els va explicar la seva experiència a Califòrnia. Es van passar també per Googleplex per veure una de les companyies icòniques de Silicon Valley.
L’últim dia van visitar el Centre d’innovació d’Ericsson on van aprendre com aquest proveïdor de xarxa de 30 mil milions de dòlars està innovant en Internet of Things, Intel·ligència Artificial, realitat augmentada i programari interactiu. Van tenir el privilegi de parlar amb Diomedes Kastanis, Cap d’Ericsson Silicon Valley. Per a ells va ser la part més inspiradora del viatge ja que van reflexionar sobre la passió darrera de la innovació tecnològica.
Segons comenten, aquesta experiència els ha ajudat a tots i cada un d’ells ha créixer tant individualment com en grup.