In the social entrepreneurship was involved more than 600 students from 15 schools of La Salle Catalonia. The activity was the starting point for the project FAIG that students from the project I DO Catalonia La Salle developed this course as a new methodology. Under the slogan “Look, propose and transform!” The project aims to prepare young entrepreneurs committed to their environment, and give students tools to create their own social entrepreneurial project observing their surroundings to find a problem real, identify opportunities for improvement, and propose a challenge that may help.
The areas to be addressed are the people (health, nutrition and education), organizations (including labor, product and financial solidarity) and the environment (waste and recycling, sustainable transport and clean energy). Participants have analyzed the problems they observe in their environment and chosen the theme of the work they do during the course.
In addition, during these months La Salle Technova Barcelona has collaborated with them to move forward on the project. Josep M. Piqué, CEO of La Salle Technova has been visiting during March the different schools to keep track of projects with the students.
At the moment has been already visited La Salle Manlleu, La Salle Manresa, La Salle Figueres, La Salle Cassa de la Selva, La Salle Santa Coloma, La Salle Reus and La Salle Tarragona, and during April and May they will be followed by La Salle Gràcia, La Salle Barcelona , La Salle Mollerusa, La Salle Premia de Mar, La Salle Sant Celoni La Salle Santa Coloma Farners, La Salle Torreforta and La Salle La Seu.
