The "Professors i Ciència" program provides secondary science teachers in Catalonia with the training required to improve their teaching skills and learn more about their area of specialisation while at the same time promoting the study of science among their students. The course offered by La Salle-URL,”Robotics in the classroom: problem-solving and the acquisition of scientific-technical and social competences, STEAM Social (S2TEAM)”, provides an up-to-date overview of the sector from both an academic and a business angle and analyses the use of educational robotics and the resources and methodologies needed in order to implement social and educational robotics into any subject on the secondary school curricula. The registrations is open here.
Three robots are programmed on the course: Lego’s educational EV3 robot, a robot based in Arduino and the social AISOY robot for an activity which puts into practice social skills, computational thinking and an engineering mind-set in the classroom. The aim of this course is to show the teachers – from the subjects of biology, ethics and philosophy, computing, maths, chemistry and technology – exactly what STEAM education involves, the benefits of the use of robotics in the classroom and how to use the technological tools available and organise resources.
This 16-hour course, which has been approved by the Department of Education of the Government of Catalonia, will be held over three days: November 29 and December 1 from 4pm to 8pm and December 2 from 10am to 2pm and 3pm to 7pm.
The advantages offered by La Salle Campus Barcelona for participating schools include a range of workshops with a series of activities which provide both a practical and theoretical insight on how to introduce students to the worlds of engineering, architecture, business management and animation. Furthermore, personalised workshops on these four areas will be available for Baccalaureate and Vocational Training students.
Students testing a robot at La Salle-URL