The objective of the competition, Lamp Lighting 2017, is to reward projects that have managed to efficiently solve the architectural lighting of an interior or exterior space, creating a positive synergy between architecture, interior design, landscaping and The lighting The work of the students, entitled "In paraise of shadows", was presented at the BCN 2017 Festival of Light and could be seen at the Frederic Marès Museum in Barcelona. The work has been chosen by the jury as the best in the category Students Poposals to capture shadows, an exquisitely illustrated and surprisingly executed proposal. All the elements of the production were very good according to the evaluation of the jury. In this category you will be taken into account that light that visualizes the time, that is, that the design of the lighting exists to create a comfortable moment. The translation of the work is "the praise of the shadow" and is a tribute to the homonymous work of the Japanese writer Junichiro Tanizaki, who affirmed that beauty is not found in objects, but in the play of Shadows and lights that produce these. An interactive experience was proposed in which people were the protagonists of a drama of constant movement.
Pau Garrofé and Sergi Sauras
550 students from 40 different countries participated in the competition. Aspects related to creativity, innovation and the sustainability of lighting projects have been assessed regardless of the manufacturer or the brand of lighting used in the project. In the jury they have participated interior and exterior designers, architects and interior designers. From La Salle-URL we congratulate both Garrofé and Sauras to win this wonderful prize.