The contest is open in three categories and rewards with a 30% scholarship in the enrollment to the Degree of Animation of La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL of the course from 2017 to 2018 in each one of them.
Participants could submit three types of work, and choose to win in any of the three categories, but only in one of them: design of a character, technique (traditional or digital, sculpture or drawing) and applicable to any content (TV series, animation, video game, advertisement or movie); Write a screenplay synopsis of a film, between 2-3 pages; Or creating a short animation with any animation technique.
The jury, formed by Felix Balbas, director of the degree in Animation & VFX of La Salle-URL, teachers in assets and professionals of the sector, took into account criteria such as technical quality, creativity and originality, viability of the project and degree of innovation Is contributed to evaluate the 31 papers presented.
In the animation category, we received 14 animations of many different techniques from flip animation, stop motion in 3D, all of them showing great creativity. The prize went to Alba Serrano. The jury wanted to emphasize that "it shows a great sensitivity in the staging of a fantasy idea putting much care in its execution and details like the color and the soundtrack".

Winners of the third Animation Contest
The Grangel brothers, of great recognition and prestige at an international level in the sector, valued the prize in the category of personage. They received a total of 17 works, with "some very promising works of potential designers of characters, and that could also be directed towards illustration or comic." In general, it was stressed that "there are Futa of future professionals". The winner was Jaume Franch, who "demonstrate a proven quality and a very complete character development, highlighting their textures and volume preparation, as well as their optimal presentation and preparation for the future phases of the film." Jaume Franch was unable to attend the ceremony and Òscar Morte picked it up on his behalf.
In the category of script, 10 works were received, all original and "some of them showing great professionalism in the treatment". According to the verdict of the jury, the winner was Ingrid Olarte Plana, with a script that "narrates an exciting story with a good narrative structure, and with a good definition of the characters very suitable to be produced in 3D animation."