The goal of "Bojos per les Noves Tecnologies" is to promote the technological spirit and innovation among high school students, bringing them into contact with technological advances in the ICT sector (Information and Communication Technologies).
The course will see classes being offered in 5 different areas that all share a common theme: new technologies. The mission is to increase vocation, technological motivation and innovation among young students, awakening their entrepreneurial spirit. The programme helps participants gain first-hand experience of the work done by engineers in sectors such as Web Development and Programming, Mobile Application Development, Robotics at the Service of People, Internet Technologies and Cybersecurity and Video Games; all areas that will see huge development in the coming years, as well as a significant shortage of professionals to fill positions throughout Europe.
These courses are expected to increase vocation, technological motivation and innovation among young students, to meet the current need for ICT engineers while awakening the entrepreneurial spirit of the students taking part.
As part of the general Bojos per la Ciència scheme, there are other excellent courses where students will have the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the theory and scientific techniques of a range of fields. These fields include biomedicine, economics, physics, mathematics, nature and chemistry.
Interested students have until 25 October to register. A selection process will then be carried out and in December successful students will be informed they have a place. The courses will be held on Saturdays and the selected students will not be able to do more than one course at a time. The course will take place between January and November 2018. More information and registrations at: [Catalan only]

Participants of "Bojos per les Noves Tecnologies" 2018