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17 November 2023 | Posted by Equipo Editorial de PhD

Advancing hydrological modeling for understanding drought dynamics in the Ebro river basin. The role of Land Surface Models in coupled natural-human systems.

Author: Omar Cenobio Cruz. Directors: Dr. Pere Quintana Seguí, Dr. Luis María Garrote de Marcos. Court: Dr. Juan José Curto Subirats, Dr. Ana Iglesias, Dr. Jan Polcher. Date: November 21, 2023, Hour: 12 pm. Place: Observatori de l'Ebre Library

Droughts are a complex and multidimensional phenomenon. While global, their most severe consequences are observed in arid or semi-arid regions like the Iberian Peninsula. However, these hydrological extremes are not solely driven by natural processes. Human activities, including dam construction, groundwater abstractions, and irrigation practices, have significantly altered the natural water flow, leading to the current era being labeled the Anthropocene. This highlights the critical importance of water resources management in regions already facing variable and limited water availability.
This research applies various approaches to improve hydrological simulations using the physically based and spatially distributed hydrometeorological platform SASER (SAFRAN-SURFEX-Eaudyssée-Rapid) to consider the anthropogenic influences. These approaches aim to enhance (i) the temporal variability and patterns in precipitation in the Ebro river basin, (ii )the representation of hydrological processes, particularly for low flows where a genetic algorithm approach was implemented, and (iii) incorporate human-water management considerations into the current framework of SASER platform.
The results of this research have allowed us to advance hydrological process representation in a semi-arid region through the SASER platform, incorporating various approaches and a module for considering human-water management. These improvements contribute valuable insights into the dynamics of hydrological response and drought, offering new possibilities for studying and managing droughts in coupled natural-human systems.


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