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25 February 2019 | Posted by

Artificial Intelligence & Data Centers

The appearance of artificial intelligence or AI, supposedly a paradigm shift where Data Centers have played and will play a transcendental role
AI & Data Center

The market that tends more and more to incorporate the Cloud into its day-to-day, either with cloud-based or with a hybrid strategy, the integration of these services has become a necessity.

This AI and all its aspects such as machine learning or deep learning play a double role within the Data Centers, on the one hand, we need these data centers to be able to support the computational capacity that artificial intelligence requires and on the other hand we can take advantage of all the new doors that opens us. In addition, as we can see in the following graph, artificial intelligence has a growing trend in the publication of scientific articles which, at the same time opens a larger gap with the other topics, opening up a whole field of research.


Graphic of scientific publications on AI

The needs of these new technologies force the Data Center to have much more powerful GPUs, capable of treating all the data of artificial intelligence quickly enough to be acceptable. The ideal would be to have a Tier IV Data Center with support for "GPU-Based processing" since, apart from its high availability, they are required to have characteristics that are very suitable to host these services.

It is because of this fact that the big companies are equipping the current Data Centers with these technologies and equipping from the beginning the new ones.

On the other hand we found that the incorporation of the AI within the Data Center provides us with several improvements capable of improving performance before processing the data, passing through the cooling systems.

Going into all these benefits we could highlight:

  • Energy efficiency: Thanks to artificial intelligence and more specifically to deep learning, the Data Center is able to save a lot of energy due to the more intelligent use of energy, mainly the cooling system and also the use of algorithms that allow to anticipate the needs to, for example, turn up a part of the cooling system before it is necessary. Google has reported that thanks to the use of deep learning they have been able to save up to 40% of energy in their Data Center.
  • Server optimization: Based on the prediction algorithms provided by artificial intelligence, the Data Centers are able to move virtual machines that are working (VMWare vMotion) in a predictive way, that is, move them before the system requires moving them, either by service hours or by customer trends.
  • Security: In the same way the AI helps us in the prediction and application of security patches through the SandBox before the incident could appear, making the Data Center much more difficult to attack and therefore with more protected data.
  • Administration: The AI helps us to manage an entire Data Center by automating many of the routine processes, not only of control itself, but of the own solutions that the technicians carry out thanks to the algorithms that they learn based on the experience

In short, we have been able to observe that the cost related to updating the Data Center for the incorporation of artificial intelligence is an expense that, especially in the long run, is more than compensated by the great improvements in service that it can provide, from savings to optimization. The IA also has a long way to go and that is why there are still many possibilities to discover.


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