Global Entreprenuership Week at La Salle Innova Institute
The Global Entrepreneurship Week (GEW) was born in 2007 as a global event “to inspire people everywhere to embrace entrepreneurship”. Since then, the Kauffman Foundation and their local partner institutions have been extending the global reach of the event.
The GEW 2012 has been celebrated the week of the 12-18 of November, getting mass media attention and the endorsement of all types of celebrities.
At La Salle Innova Institute we contributed to the GEW 2012 organizing an event on Friday 16th at La Salle BCN Campus. We hosted a very interesting session on the “Myths and Challenges of Technology Entrepreneurship” with the participation of experienced entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs, La Salle professors and entrepreneurship stakeholders.
At the session we discussed whether some of the myths related to technology-based entrepreneurship still hold valid, finding out that we need to refine most of them to uncover and understand the real challenges that entrepreneurs face. The content of the presentation was built using research data from the Innova Institute collected in projects completed in the last three years. The presentation was greatly enriched with the lively group discussion that helped to contrast our findings and generate new research ideas.
Find the presentation material in the following link, and feel free to send us your comments or suggestions.