International Institute on Innovation, IT Management and Entrepreneurship. Services on business models, ecosystems, digital transformation efforts.

23 November 2015 | Posted by Innova Institute

Barcelona Research Seminar at La Salle-URL

On Friday Novemeber 6th the Barcelona Research seminar took place at La Salle campus Barcelona. Bianca Villar PhD candidate, presented the advances in her dissertation on "Understanding Disaster Critical Organizations' Performance: Introducing the Role of Improvisation using a Strategic Perspective", while Carla Riverola, PhD candidate, shared her advances on the dissertation with title "Entrepreneurial performance on networked environments: Why and how do entrepreneurs use social media to enhance their social capital?".

The seminar concluded with the presentation of the paper "Lucrative business opportunities and non-entrepreneurial goals" by Antoni Olive, PhD- IQS.

We look forward the next event!

Nov 6th picture
