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18 February 2019 | Posted by marc.salinero

Reference Data Centers

What are the reference Data Centers currently? What are an example to follow? Let's see it below.

In this week's post we will talk about some of the reference Data Centers, those that are an example to follow, that have marked a milestone and that have changed the functioning of many companies. But before starting to quote a list of them, some will ask, what is a Data Center? What role does it have within the companies? Why are they so important? You can consult: Overview of a Data Center

Let's focus now on the main theme. We are going to quote the most important and biggest ones in the world or that are in construction project.

  • The Citadel (Northen Nevada, USA)
  • Range International Information Group (Langfang, China)
  • Switch SuperNAP (Nevada, USA)
  • DuPont Fabros Technology (Virginia, USA)
  • Utah Data Ceneter (Utah, USA)
  • Microsoft Data Center (Iowa, USA)
  • Tulip Data Center (Bangalore, India)
  • Kolos (Noruega)

Until now the most relevant Data Centers have been quoted, but that doesn't mean that they are the only ones, but there are many others that should also be mentioned but it has not been done because the post would be exclusively a list of Data Centers of reference.

These have been chosen basically because they are either extremely big, or because they have something that differentiates them from others. Such as the Data Center called "The Citadel" which is part of the company Switch and is considered the biggest in the world with an area of approximately 670,000 m2, and like the Data Center "Kolos", they work exclusively with renewable energy, which makes them a great example to follow.

And now you will ask why Google or Amazon has not appeared in the previous list. Well the answer is very simple, these two large companies do not have a single Data Center but have many distributed in different locations around the world.

This fact lies in the fact that large companies such as Google or Amazon, since they do not have one or two Data Centers, but we speak of a rather extensive infrastructure, they take into account other factors that on a large scale become a differentiating factor: We could highlight the decentralization and data redundancy, it is equally or more important to consider environmental and cost events where the location of these can be a key point, that is why they are always trying to locate in countries with low temperatures that are capable to cool the racks with a much lower cost that allows on the one hand to save costs and on the other hand to take advantage of the useful surface in order to place each rack at shorter distances and thus increasing the density of them.

Location of Google Data Centers around the world

A good thing that Amazon Data Centers have, it is that in the same way that "Kolos" and "The Citadel", they use 100% renewable energies when powering all their infrastructures and devices, which reduces the environmental impact to the minimum.

Finally, to finish this post, time to draw some conclusions. In the world there are a lot of different Data Centers, located around the planet. For medium and large companies, they are very important and indispensable, either for the management and protection of data and information of the same company, or to be able to offer their services to clients as quickly and efficiently as possible. As it has been seen in some Data Centers, nowadays the trend is to make them more friendly with the environment, in order to reduce the environmental impact and make them more ecological, which makes them a great example to follow for others and for future Data Centers.


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