Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

26 February 2019 | Posted by jaume.aligue

SDN to DataCenters


Nowadays, the network is taking a trend to be defined by software. This is called software defined network (SDN). When this technology is applied to datacenters is called software defined data centers(SDDC).

A SDDC is a data storage facility in which all infrastructure elements including storage, networking, security and CPU,  are all of them virtualized and delivered as a service. Deployment, operation, provisioning and configuration are abstracted from hardware. Those tasks are implemented through software intelligence.By virtualizing a data center including all resources of the system, they can be abstracted and represented as a software form.

The advantage of SDDC for clients is that they do not have to build the infrastructure so hardware is eliminated. If they need computing, networking, and storage resources, they can simply rent them via the cloud.

The advantage for a service or software provider is that they can use on centralized data-center infrastructure to serve amount clients. One element that has determinedthe growth of SDDC and cloud computing in general is the decrease cost of hardware and storage. As these resources get cheaper, it gets more economical to build out large data centers on massive scale and then sell these resources as Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS).

Another advantage that SDDC offers is that SDDC can improve any workflow by providing repeatable solutions. SDDC is characterized by automation, orchestration and the abstraction of resources into software code. By nature, software is more reliable than humans, more agile and responsive in all measures.


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