What to do in Barcelona while studying at La Salle-URL. Activities, concerts, traditions and culture to enjoy a unique experience.

19 October 2009 | Posted by International Editorial Team

The first week is Welcome Week

I came to Barcelona two days before the Welcome Week started. I had already got myself a flat before I moved down and that was a big relief, coming down with no worries. I didn't know what to expect from the Welcome Week, but it turned out the way I wanted it to. I had a lot of fun, saw the city, got my shoulders lowered and most importantly... I made friends. The welcome week is a good way to get settled and comfortable, especially for a person that is in the same situation as I was in. When I came I knew nobody here, similar to most of the other people who attended the Welcome Week. We started off nice and easy with a brief presentation of the school and what we can expect before presenting ourself to the other students and teachers. We did a lot of fun activities that made you relax and get to know other people such as when we went do the Rocodrome, a climbing room inside FESS which is the gym at the school campus, where we had a team-building exercise where the two teams Spidermen, and Supermen competed against each other. On the last day we had a photo competition where we got tourist-bus passes and were awarded points for each tourist attraction we went to. A great opportunity for every first time visitors of Barcelona to see the city. The Welcome Week really is a great opportunity for students to get rid of all stress and just relax, which by the way really is important in Accounting classes, before jumping in to the wild life of studying. It lets you get to know your classmates a bit and see the school instead of just coming straight into class the first day the Welcome Week is great for everyone, even though if you are from Barcelona.
