10 errores a evitar al inicio de un proyecto

op Ten Pitfalls to Avoid When Starting a Project Trying to add an extra project to your team's current workload without allocating additional time or resources. Beginning a project with very loose time and cost estimates or no specific estimates. This happens a lot in start-up companies, where there can be a great deal of optimism without enough oversight and corporate structure to keep things realistic. Working outside PMI standards. Doing it your way, ignoring company protocol, company templates, and other established guidelines. Failing to look for pertinent lessons learned and general historical data. Jumping into a project without clarifying your customer's specifications. Not specifying which costs will be covered by the client and which by the performing organization—for example, who will cover the cost of a license for software the project team needs but that it is not yet licensed to use. Failing to clearly establish the metrics by which the project will be evaluated, especially quality, risk, and customer satisfaction metrics. Not clarifying the team reporting structure and stakeholders' roles early on, causing conflict and making it difficult for the PM to foster teamwork and good morale. Beginning a project without a formal project charter. Some companies use similar documents with other names, such as a kickoff document, which is fine as long as it includes the same essentials, such as the sponsor's signature. Working without such a document, however, can be a recipe for disaster!