¿Cómo es el día a día de un participante en el Master in Business Administration? Descubre la experiencia MBA de La Salle e impulsa tu carrera profesional.

10 Junio 2012 | Publicado por Equipo Editorial MBA

Living an International MBA

“Who would have thought!” Is what most of my friends and family exclaim when they ask me how I am liking my time spent at the International MBA program at BES La Salle. That’s because no one thought this would be a natural next step for this nature loving, travel bug, nonconformist. “I would have never guessed your background is in teaching and biology”, is what people I’ve just met through the program say about me now. But this is exactly why I choose this program.

After doing what we all do to find the perfect Business School and go on the internet, look at school ratings, compare notes with colleagues and start visiting and applying to MBA programs I found the best match right next door. Born and raised in Barcelona but with lots of experience abroad ( USA, Australia, Japan… ) I was definitely looking for that special extra in my MBA experience.

The irony is that I am not the only one with this eclectic background in the International MBA class of 2012. I get to go to class every week and learn from this great range of people. This program attracts men and women from around the world and has made an effort to gather individuals with diversity in ages, backgrounds and varied work experiences. I like to define it as a modern business setting.

We have young entrepreneurs who have started their own business who share the struggles of running a business at an everyday level, which we sometimes forget about when we work for big companies and only see our little corner of the corporation. I also share the class with skilled business consulters who provide the rest of us with invaluable business stories; in exchange we get to talk to them about new approaches to old problems. This situation makes for countless discussions and interesting debates; case study resolutions are rarely boring.

Living an MBA for someone who never thought she’d be in the business world is proving to be a fascinating journey even though in the end I never boarded an airplane.



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