Descubre todos los secretos del mundo de las start-ups, business angels, venture capitals de la mano del parque de innovación La Salle Technova Barcelona.

26 Mayo 2015 | Publicado por Team Technova

Startup Weekend Barcelona 2015

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Friday, June 12 - 14, 2015

Friday, June 12 - 14, 2015

El evento empieza a las 6:30 pm
Carrer Roc Boronat 117


Make an Impact in 54 Hours

Ever had an idea that could help make people lives easier? Here's your chance to transform your ideas into action in 54 hours and possibly disrupt your community.

Find the right people to complement your skills and dedicate the weekend to building a startup smart and fast. Test your idea with real potential customers, receive mentorship and coaching from business entrepreneurs and tech professionals, and win prizes that will help you launch your startup idea to the next level!

We're looking for passionate business minded entrepreneurs, developers, and designers who want to develop a real solution. Come learn the basics of founding & launching a successful startup while solving real problems people face.

PLEASE NOTE: Only ideas that are not already in flight can be worked on during this event. You cannot bring to this event an idea that has been established as a company or had development work done!

Wait, what's a Startup Weekend?
Startup Weekend is part of UP Global, the biggest entrepreneurship movement in the world with more than 2000 events per year taking place in 600+ cities globally.

Startup Weekend is a 54h event designed to make you live in the skin of an entrepreneur for a weekend. On a Friday night, those who have an idea about a business they want to set up pitch in front of the other attendees (it's laid back and we're a friendly bunch, don't you worry).
Attendees select which idea they want to work on and form teams. Teams go through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation helped by notorious industry mentors. On Sunday, all teams present their ideas in front of a larger audience and a sharp-looking, sharp-minded jury. That's right, you go from an idea to an actual functioning startup in hours! There won't be much sleep but you'll meet people you don't bump into on a regular Friday night in the pub from data scientists to coding enthusiasts.

Whether you are looking for feedback on a idea, a co-founder, a date (kidding, kind of), specific skill sets, or a team to help you execute, Startup Weekends is the perfect environment in which to test your idea and take the first steps towards launching your own startup. Right, come on now, no talk all action! Questions? Tweet @sw_bcn and we'll get you startup-ready.


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