La Salle - URL, together with the NOVEM International Organizing Committee, organizes the 6th Emerging Noise and Vibration Methods Congress (NOVEM). The events will take place in Ibiza, in the Balearic Islands, from 7 to 9 May 2018.
NOVEM (Noise and Vibration Emerging Methods) aims to promote the scientific exchange of specialists and give an account of the latest technologies in areas considered to be major scientific challenges in the fields of:
- Structural vibration
- Vibro-acoustics
- Flow-induced noise & vibration
- Noise and vibration control
The NOVEM 2018 conference will consist of:
- Parallel sessions focused on, but not limited to, the topics described in the scientific program.
- A daily 2-hour long Keynote Forum addressing an emerging area. Each Forum will enable selected specialists to expose an up-to-date overview of the relevant area and outline its perspectives.
The Forum keynote areas will be:
- Optical measurement of continuous vibration and sound fields
- Nonlinear vibration and noise
- Validating numerical vibroacoustics models - How much is enough?