Mobile Premier Awards 2016

How time flies! Another Appcircus year is coming to an end and we can't wait to celebrate with you the 10th anniversary of the Mobile Premier Awards, the largest App showcase in the mobile industry.
Start-ups, tech enterpreneurs and all actors from the global developers community clearly define the Mobile Premiere Awards (MPA) as their point of reference on the first day of the Mobile World Congress 2016.
The MPAs 10th edition will feature 16 of the most innovative Apps from all over the world pitching live on stage. The lucky 16 finalists have been selected among winners of Intel-powered Appcircus events in over twenty cities and the Smart City App Hack challenge.
This event is a real chance for all attendees to grow their business opportunities in the tech world and meet face to face the key actors of the app industry who are all in Barcelona this time of the year for the world mobile week.
Join us for an evening of good vibes, great party atmosphere and see the jury of top experts choosing live this year's MPA16 winner!