Thanks to the experience and the experiences acquired during the period 2012 to 2017 and the actions taken this year has been included as a new visual education. The Center Vision and Audiology (with Rafel Saragossa at the top), an optical Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, is working to bring everything you need to analyze the vision children and adults providing optometric solutions to problems such as myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, farsightedness (presbyopia), binoculars and accommodative problems (like the 3D vision rating of strabismus) and color vision. In areas located at high altitudes ultraviolet radiation can cause various visual problems to which they provide preventive measures such as using solar goggles. The vision of the students is a crucial issue that directly affects their learning. A high percentage of the gaps in student learning comes through vision problems not detected or corrected.

Additionally, this action will be complemented by training, basic objective of our project: development education. Also give instructions through various talks, to achieve efficient visual ergonomics, given the importance of eye health at work and in everyday educational issues. So far there are different organizations that have turned the project. The generous collaboration of Sant Joan de Vilatorrada (Manresa town near Barcelona) has allowed more than 300 glasses collected for the project. The small town of Villarrubia de los Ojos (Ciudad Real, Castilla-La Mancha) has collected more than 200 units. The collection from La Salle Campus Barcelona we reached to date more than 600 glasses to give students and educational communities of Urubamba altonadinas next. A successful collaboration solidarity.