Descubre todos los secretos del mundo de las start-ups, business angels, venture capitals de la mano del parque de innovación La Salle Technova Barcelona.

16 Julio 2010 | Publicado por Team Technova

First edition of the Business Ideas Contest comes to an end- 10 teams, 5 winners!

As you were able to follow through our blog, we have finalized our first edition of the Business Ideas Contest where 25 teams initialy participated to compete for the best three finalists. 10 of those teams were chosen to enter the final stage of the contest and attend classes on marketing, financing, roadmaps and elevator pitches, after which last 9 July they presented their 5 minute elevator pitches in english to our jury. In just 5 minutes they summarized their ideas and convinced us why their business is innovative.

We want to congratulate all the 10 teams for delivering excellent elevator pitches last week! Our jury was impressed with the professionality, determination and entrepreneurial spirit they all expressed during the presentations!

We were to initially chose only three winners, but actually, 5 qualified:

Virtual Market Online





So, who won first, second, third, fourth and fifth prize? well, we still haven´t announced  that! We are saving this for our big Business Ideas Contest Party in September! You are all invited to come and see who gets first prize and and share some fun with us!

Thanks again to our sponsors, BeOne, Xerox and Moritz for making the contest possible!

Keep posted to find out about our September 5 finalists celebrations to find out who won first, second, third , fourth and fifth prize and more surprises! In the meantime, keep creating what you believe!


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