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04 Agosto 2010 | Publicado por Team Technova

Samsung patents tablet with front and rear touch input

Samsung patents dual touch input tablet

Samsung has filed for a US patent for a tablet that has a traditional touchscreen on the front but adds a touch panel on the rear of the device as well, in the same fashion as the Motorola Backflip. The idea is to let users control the device without touching the screen, and perhaps allow them to perform multi-touch inputs from the screen side and the rear side at the same time.

Unlike the Galaxy Tab that is due for release later in August, there is no word when or even if the unnamed dual-touch input tablet shown in the patent drawings will make it to production. The Galaxy Tab will be powered by Android, and if this device were to use Android, Samsung would need to customize it extensively to take advantage of the dual touch input.
Source: Electronista
