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13 Febrero 2015 | Publicado por Team Technova

Startup Grind Barcelona Hosts Ana Maiques (Neuroelectrics)

Startup Grind Barcelona

Wednesday, February 25, 2015 from 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM (CET)

Barcelona, Spain

Ana Maiques, Neuroelectrics


Co-founder at Starlab, now CEO at Neuroelectrics, Ana received recently the 3rd Prize of the EU Women Innovators 2014 because of her entrepreneurial spirit in the research and innovation field. Ana's vision combined both scientific excellence and business management, as Ana was executive director and founder of Starlab, a company specializing in neuroscience, collaborating in programs of high reputation such as the European Space Agency.

Her main challenges are to prove that science can be business model, to give scientists their important role in society back and to convince the companies to invest in long-term research.

Business-wise, Ana is now CEO at Neuroelectrics, a spin-off from her former company Starlab. Neuroelectrics commercializes Neuroscience related products, such as Enobio (Wireless EEG device for Neurofeedback, Brain Computer Interfaces or other medical applications) and Starstim (Wireless tDCS non invasive brain stimulation to help patients with chronic pain, post stroke rehabilitation or depression). Their vision is to help patients by providing innovative, easy to use and affordable neuroscience medical devices. Join them in the journey!


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