Bloc del grup de recerca GRETEL. Espai de divulgació sobre la recerca en tecnologies i metodologies per millorar l'aprenentatge.

12 March 2021 | Posted by Editorial Team GRETEL

Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2021), Call For PAPERS

Barcelona, 12th of March 2021

The 9th edition of the Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM) conference will be held online from October 27 to 29, 2021. It is organized by the Institut de Ciències de la Educació, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya BarcelonaTECH, with the support of GRETEL (Group of REsearch on Technology Enhanced Learning of La Salle, Ramon Llull University). This event brings together researchers and postgraduate students interested in combining different aspects of the technology applied to knowledge society development, with special attention to educational and learning issues regarding, but not limited to, the following broad-scope research areas: Educational Assessment and Orientation, Human-Computer Interaction, eLearning, Computers in Education, Communication Media and Education, Medicine and Education, Learning Analytics, Engineering Education, Robotics in Education, Diversity in Education, Gamification and Games for Learning. TEEM is divided into thematic and highly cohesive tracks.

Each track shares the scientific and formal aspects for paper submissions, peer reviews, and publication. Nevertheless, the track chairs will organize the proper dynamics to achieve the most important goal: to create a researching community. Therefore, the conference social events are open to all participants, including those registered as students, for strengthening the intercultural and multicultural skills among them, independently of the tracks they are involved.

List of Tracks

Track 1. Computational thinking and robotics in education

Track 2. Implementation of Qualitative and Mixed Methods Researches

Track 3. Bridging the diversity gap in STEM

Track 4. Gamification and Games for Learning (GAMILEARN)

Track 5. Educational Innovation

Track 6. Impact of state-of-the-art technologies on medical training processes and clinical practice

Track 7. Engineering Education: New challenges, new approaches

Track 8. Identity, technology and education. Identity construction processes in hyperconnected ecosystems

Track 9. Communication, Education and Social Media

Track 10. Smart Learning

Track 11. Personal Learning Environments

Track 12. Lab-based Education

Track 13. Learning Analytics: Moving on?

Track 14. Evaluation in education and guidance

Track 15. Doctoral Consortium

Special Track: AGORA-EcoSystem: Re-Thinking, connecting, sharing and starting synergies

Submission Guidelines

Authors are invited to submit full, original, unpublished research papers that are not being considered for publication in any other forum. The Program Committee will referee all submissions for quality, originality, and relevance.

All papers will have 5-8 pages and will be written following the Interim Template provided by ACM ( and should apply ACM Computing Classification categories. The template provides space for this indexing and point authors to the Computing Classification Scheme at: It is mandatory to use the new Microsoft Word ACM Primary Article Template. Read carefully the information provided in the following link:

Check the paper preparation and submission details at

The paper must be submitted through EasyChair platform at

Important dates

Paper Submission:                   15 May 2021

Notification of acceptance: 15 June 2021

Registration deadline:           30 July 2021

Camera-ready deadline:       30 August 2021


All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, which will be published in the ACM Digital Library as a volume in its International Conference Proceedings Series with ISBN and indexing in SCOPUS.

Authors with best papers will be invited to prepare and submit extended versions to be considered, after a new peer review, for publication in several special issues in scientific journals. Some of them are mainly linked to specific tracks (as it is described in each track page), others have a more transversal scope and papers from all tracks may be invited.


After the complicated past year 2020 by the SARS-CoV2 virus and COVID-19 disease, we hope that this 2021 will improve. Taking into account the schedule of the conference (October 27 to 29, 2021), and wishing that the pandemic containment and vaccination processes have made positive progress, but also understanding that there may be travel problems, the TEEM 2021 will be carried out in HYBRID MODE.

This means that we have designed a conference so that it can initially be attended in person or in virtual both to present your contribution or follow the presentations and other activities. However, and depending on the progress of the pandemic, a totally virtual modality, such as last TEEM 2020, could be changed throughout September and will be communicated throughout that month.

REMEMBER, that this year and due the changes in the ACM functionality, it will be mandatory to follow the deadlines for submitting the papers, the review process, as well as the registration of the acceptance papers and final submission of the camera ready papers (formatted using the ACM templates and macros, being the responsibility of the authors and session chairs to do ON TIME, see important dates section).


All questions about submissions should be emailed to
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