Blog del grupo de investigación GRITS. Redes de próxima generación para el Internet del futuro, Fog Computing e Internet de las cosas para implementar nuestros diseños personalizados en nubes híbridas ciberseguras, en sistemas de almacenamiento a gran escala y comunicaciones de larga distancia.

01 Mayo 2012 | Publicado por Editorial Team GRITS

Cloud-Ready Data Center

Juniper Networks

Juniper Networks is an American manufacturer of networking equipment founded in 1996. It is headquartered in Sunnyvale, California, USA. The company designs and sells high-performance Internet Protocol network products and services. Cloud-Ready Data Center Juniper Networks helps enterprises “cloud ready” their data centers by applying lessons from cloud computing to increase efficiencies, achieve economies of scale, improve agility, and accelerate secure delivery of IT services at lower costs. The Juniper Networks data center fabric solution offers a dramatically simplified "3-2-1" data center network architecture that reduces complexity and improves performance, scale, and data center efficiencies, while lowering operational and capital costs. Network virtualization technologies based on open standards and simplified policies dynamically partition and leverage the network to achieve cloud-like data center efficiency and agility. Security This is a solution implemented by Juniper Networks that includes some technologies that they are going to be explained in the following posts, now you can see differents levels of  data centers. Differents levels of Data Centers Source: Juniper Networks


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