Blog del grupo de investigación GRITS. Redes de próxima generación para el Internet del futuro, Fog Computing e Internet de las cosas para implementar nuestros diseños personalizados en nubes híbridas ciberseguras, en sistemas de almacenamiento a gran escala y comunicaciones de larga distancia.

08 Mayo 2012 | Publicado por Editorial Team GRITS

NetScaler by Citrix Systems

We saw in a previous posts how F5 Networks have a solution for balancing traffic in a network, now in this posts it is going to explain a new solution developed by Citrix Systems.

Citrix Systems is a multinational corporation that provides server and desktop virtualization, networking, software-as-a-service, and cloud computing technologies. NetScaler App Delivery Controller

  • Citrix NetScaler enables the datacenter network to become an end-to-end service delivery fabric to optimize the delivery of all web applications, cloud-based services, virtual desktops, enterprise business apps and mobile services. It ensures the performance, availability and security SLAs for any service to any user, anywhere.
  • NetScaler L4-7 load balancing brings 100% availability to all applications and services, while improving the efficiency of expensive server and network resources.
  • NetScaler transparently brings external and internal clouds together to maintain control and security even when apps move into the cloud.
  • NetScaler secures applications and networks from a wide variety of threats and attacks, prevents the leakage of confidential data, and protects sensitive communications with SSL and SSL VPN capabilities.

The latest version of Citrix NestScaler includes TriScale Technology that scales and secures cloud services at nearly unbounded scale and achieves 100% network utilization by scaling the network for more elastic performance, greater simplicity via consolidation and increased expandability. We have seen two diferents solutions, one by F5 networks and now this developed by Citrix but the aim is the same: a good load balance to exploit the resources of the network and add security for the applications. Each company also add some more features in their solutions to make the difference and get more clients. Source:


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