News and current affairs from the network of La Salle Universities in Europe. Exchange of best practices in higher education.

11 June 2014 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Students from ESAN, in Peru complete their logistics master at La Salle-URL

A group of students from Peru of the Master in Supply Chain Management and Technology, travelled on a ship to Rome to complete the practical training of the  international expertise dual degree offered by  ESAN and La Salle Campus Barcelona-URL. Students carried out their stay in Civitavecchia, where they participated in a seminar on Short Sea Shipping, the so-called Motorways of the Sea. The finality of this visit is to learn about the management of short distance maritime services and intermodal maritime logistics in general, and complement the training provided  by BES La Salle in logistics, transport, ports and international trade. In addition, on Tuesday 3rd June students from the School of Business Administration from Peru will receive the diploma certifying the training in Supply Chain Management and Technology followed at La Salle-URL during the last three weeks (including seminars, company visits, conferences ...). The graduation ceremony will have place in the Conference Hall of the Barcelona university center.
