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15 March 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

Architecture alumni raise funds for the construction of a preschool in the most underdeveloped South Africa

A group of alumni of La Salle-URL along with other young architects are the creators of Uncedo, an NGO working in underdeveloped areas of South Africa from more than two years. These young architects believe in architecture as a tool for social transformation and work with the most disadvantaged communities at risk of social exclusion, making efforts to promote social change and advance the management of construction quality and safety that these areas much needed. They are currently in the process of building an elementary school in the township of Joe Slovo (South Africa). The poverty of the area and the lack of structure and means impede a universal right to children: the right to basic education. Its goal is to build a preschool with capacity for all children in the district and to provide them with health, safety and optimal study conditions. The township of Joe Slovo is located on the outskirts of the city of Port Elizabeth (South Africa) and has an approximate population of 9,000 inhabitants. A township is an underdeveloped urban area that was created during apartheid to house and control the non-white community. This group has long been facing various social problems due to lack of resources and social exclusion. The construction in this district is not regulated by the government, who gives the land but does not manage urban development, causing that the houses do not follow an order and that the access to basic services such as potable water, electricity or wastewater management is very limited. The child population of this community is who suffers more directly these shortcomings. The school will consist of a space with 3 separate classrooms, a bathhouse with running water and waste management and an office where teachers will be able to prepare their classes and attend parents. They also want to provide the project with a school canteen in order to facilitate the necessary food to each of the district's children. They started the foundation and work on the structure last December but still lack financial resources to achieve the goal of building a proper school for children. The NGO needs 2,000 € to complete the construction and equip with school supplies and furniture. From Uncedo they believe in the power of architecture as a tool to social improvement, and that a small gesture can achieve great goals. That's why all the contributions from 40 € will receive a solidarity fabric bag that has been designed especially for this occasion. If you want to participate in this project and manage to build a school where these children at risk of social exclusion have access to education, you can make your donation through this link.


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