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19 September 2017 | Posted by Editorial Team La Salle Universities

A new edition of the program "Crazy for new technologies" is underway

The registration period for "Crazy for new technologies" is already open, the La Salle-URL program for "Crazy for Science", created by the Fundació Catalunya-La Pedrera to stimulate scientific talent among the youth. The objective of this course is to promote the technological and innovative spirit among high school students, which will allow them to get in touch with the technological advances in the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) sector. During the course classes will be taught in 5 different areas but with a common thread, new technologies. The intention is to increase the vocation, technological and innovative motivation among young students by awakening their entrepreneurial spirit.

The program will help you understand first hand what is the work of an engineer in sectors such as those of Development and Web Programming, Development of Mobile Applications, Robotics at the Service of people, Internet Technologies and Cybersecurity and Video Games ; areas of activity with a great development in the coming years and with a deficit of professionals in all of Europe. One of the expected results of these courses is to increase the vocation, technological and innovative motivation among young students, which responds to the current need for ICT engineers, and that, at the same time, the entrepreneurial spirit of entrepreneurship, these students. In the general program of Crazy for Science there are other courses of excellence with which students will have the opportunity to study scientific theory and techniques in different fields.

Some of these areas are biomedicine, economics, physics, mathematics, nature or chemistry. In addition, students will have the opportunity to work with researchers to know how science is done from an international research center and to open their way to the scientific and professional world. Students interested can register until October 22. Afterwards, a selection process will be carried out and in December the students will be notified.

The courses will be held on Saturdays and the students selected will not be able to do more than one course at a time. The course will take place between January and November 2018. You can obtain more information by clicking here.


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