Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

27 February 2015 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Next Generation Data Center

A Data Center is a centralized repository, either physical or virtual, for the storage and management of data and information organized for a particular business, a company or a large enterprise.


In order to design them, we have to think about some considerations:

  • Power and cooling: A data center should have the optical level of cooling and redundants powers of supply, with dual electrical cable, in order to avoid overheating or electrical faults.
  • Location of the center: The decision of the physical location is also very important, it should have a economic cost, with good communication infrastructures and avoid the places with  high risk of natural disasters.
  • Physical security: Is very important the implementation of physical security, in order to avoid direct atacks and manipulations of the information, with cameras and electronic locks.
  • Network design and implementation: Also the design of the software is very decisive. It should be a optical and accurate design with also a very strong network security.

The New Generation offer the most effective way to provide the right infrastructure for each specific application, in terms of agility, reliability, efficiency and security using the virtualization and cloud computing technologies.

With that, the companies are able to respond to the challenges of a fast-changing market, allowing new and more efficient IT services to be delivered, more competitiveness and saving a lot of costs.

