Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

18 March 2015 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

Storage and Data Convergence

The storage legacy architecture was based on parallel LAN and SAN networks, each one with its equipment and protocols. LAN use Ethernet and SAN use FiberChannel. Both protocols have different characteristics which ones becomes quite incompatibles.

This architecture type presents an inefficient use of network infrastructure. For each network it’s needed to use different network adapters and provided with redundancy. Therefore, are need equipment to manage both protocols. It must have different modules on switches or different switches for each network type. Therefore is slower to offer the service. Multiplies the fault domain and difficult diagnose and management.

Storage consolidation

The architecture type evolution is based on unification of LAN and SAN. That permits the reduction of server adapters, simplification of access layer and cabling, reducing costs, reducing cables and has a consistent operational mode. However, that will not be possible without a protocol which permits network unifying and consolidation of FiberChannel and Ethernet characteristics. In this way was rise a new protocol called FCoE (FiberChannel over Ethernet) which unifies FiberChannel and Ethernet. One characteristic of FiberChannel is that never loss a packet because before sending one it assures it is possible to transmit. In this way never will be network saturation or buffer overflow, and will not need to drop packets.

This new protocol will unlock the legacy infrastructure.

Another characteristic is the appearance of unified ports which can treat with FiberChannel and lossless Ethernet.

To summarize, FCoE reduce cabling, permits I/O block and Ethernet in the same cable, fewer adapter networks needed, less power and improve management. The main benefits are integration and cost reduction.

In our solution, we will use Brocade network devices and we can use their solutions for Ethernet Fabric. In our data center will be useful the Brocade VDX 8770 Switch.

An alternative to FCoE would be iSCSI, which its advantages are the cost and supportability, but its availability isn’t much good as FCoE. Most people use FCoE because they think that is better.
