Engineers from La Salle-URL share the latest news and projects in the field of network solutions in telematic engineering.

24 February 2016 | Posted by Redacción Data Center

A data center for a financial company

Welcome everyone!

In this post we are going to explain the characteristics of the Data Center that we will design during the next weeks. We want to implement a solution for a financial company to manage all the data they have and the communication with their clients.

Since the company for which we want to design the Data Center is a bank, it is very important to comply perfectly all the specifications requested, because a simple failure could cause a big loss of information, money and customer privacy.

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Going into details, the specifications of the CPD in the different aspects are the explained ahead:

  • Network specifications must provide isolation of data and applications from Internet access and mail, differentiated networks for backup and management and for service networks, we should have a preproduction environment to perform testing and develop tools, redundant equipment, load swinging and high speed transmissions (supporting future technologies). In this case it is very important to separate the different networks to isolate the problems that could appear on the CPD, getting to have minimum impact on the overall network and making it easier to find and fix.
  • Management and quality service specifications must provide network monitoring according to several parameters and centralized on a different console for each manufacturer. Our CPD also must have equipment to manage DNS and all the ports of the system and control over bandwidth to prioritize certain operations. This aspect is important because in a bank infrastructure we must control all the things that happen inside it, including all the traffic of the network, who generates it, where is it generated... in a few words, we must have oversight of all the actions that happen in the bank CPD.
  • The security level of our system must be so high, providing an extended security policy, users access control, securitization of the data transmitted, block of the output of critical information and firewalls at several layers to avoid attacks and non-authorized access. This is one of the most important aspects to consider, because a security problem in the bank infrastructure could cause a stealing of money and confidential information, and in general, it would cause a loss of confidence by customers.r729682_5869866
  • Other specifications that must be accomplished are to use the minimum dedicated equipment, allow the use of active services from a device to another and consolidation of the computational resources. These are specifications that are useful to improve the network.

After the overview of which are the specifications of the CPD that we'll design, now it's time to start to investigate all of them, a task that we will do during the next weeks.

See you in the next post!


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