2 Post Doc Position Openings in Networks, Information, Technology, and Innovation Management (Barcelona and Munich)

There are two vacant positions for Post-Doctorates in NiTiM – each of which will be based in Barcelona and Munich.
The position in Barcelona is for a PostDoc position at the Innova Institute. The Innova Institute is the research body of the Business Engineering School at La Salle – Ramon Llull University. The PostDoc will participate in leading the research projects of the Institute. Currently, five PhD candidates develop their research activity in the Institute.
The position in Munich is for the co-head of the research lab “Decision Support for Network Management” and its team of four Ph.D. candidates. The research lab targets new theoretical and algorithmic solutions to improve decision making in such dynamic networked situations. The candidate should ideally have experience with engaged scholarship methodologies for research, sometimes referred to as action research or living lab methods.
PostDocs will be employed for a period of two years longest until September 2016 by University BW Munich or LaSalle Barcelona.
Salaries for Post Docs candidates are about 4.000 Euro per month depending on marital status and host country cost index (refer to the file “The People Work Programme 2012”).
To apply, send your application no later than August 1st 2014 by email, to Prof. Katzy, chairman of NITIM, Prof.Katzy@CeTIM.org, and Prof. Miralles, fmiralles@salleurl.edu, the education dean of NITIM.
Detailed application process and other information are found here.