Blog del grupo de investigación GRITS. Redes de próxima generación para el Internet del futuro, Fog Computing e Internet de las cosas para implementar nuestros diseños personalizados en nubes híbridas ciberseguras, en sistemas de almacenamiento a gran escala y comunicaciones de larga distancia.

09 Abril 2010 | Publicado por Editorial Team GRITS

The CISCO MoreTogether Prize: una gran oportunidad para los alumnos de ingeniería

This is a great opportunity for our students of any IT engineering degree related with Networking and Internet Technologies. Seven countries in Cisco’s European network are offering eligible computing and technology students the chance to win a fully paid summer internship with Cisco’s innovation consulting engineering teams.  With this programme we aim to build a pipeline of diverse candidates by encouraging them to consider Cisco as a future employer and also to remain within the technical field in which they are studying.  This student award will be open to current (undergraduate) students from Computer Science, Networking  & Electronic Engineering faculties across Europe.  We will be offering this award across the UK, Netherlands, France, Germany, Spain, Italy & Norway. For the students to win the award, they will need to answer a short series of written technical questions along with providing their motivations and reasons, via a video message, why they would like to win the Cisco “MoreTogether” Prize. Students can also find information at


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